Zoning of the Children’s Room Ideas

Such a space for children, where the child will sleep, play or do lessons should be very cozy and comfortable. Nothing should be superfluous and at the same time, everything should be as accessible and convenient as possible. All this is very significant and is equally important that the furniture, carpets, paintings, lamps, or small decor are placed in the children’s room in a way to ensure maximum comfort. But the zoning of the children’s room usually begins with the decision of what kind of purpose will this room serve.


Children’s Playground

A very important point in the distribution of areas in the kids’ room is the absence of sharp corners which can somehow hurt the child during his agile games in the room. Therefore, the arrangement of furniture is very important to plan so that the room or playing area is as small as possible and maximally free of furniture. This may be the center of the room, and half of the room with a free wall on which it is possible to place sports equipment for children older than 2-3 years. Moreover, if a playground for a child is located near the wall, then it can be emphasized by photo wallpapers or any other wallpaper.

Well, if your child is still a baby, and he is not yet 3 years old, the play area for him or her can be a free place in the room without the boxes, electrical appliances, or any other unsafe items. In addition, the area of ​​such a space should not be allocated solely for the child itself; one should also not forget about the parents who are watching the playing child. In such areas, you can freely place a play mat for a child or just a rug with children’s toys.

Child Resting Area

As a rule, the child’s rest area is, quite simply, his or her sleeping place. It is considered the best option is to have this part in the room either in the center or by the window and in the far corner. But the cot will always be near the wall, and almost never in the middle of the room. So, this focal and main functional element will make you able to take further successful steps of proper zoning of the children’s room.

It is very convenient to emphasize, separate, or somehow accent this part of the children’s room. Such ways can be all kinds of configurations, podiums, boudoirs in the form of stylish curtains, and even a screen with a pattern of popular movie or cartoon characters. All this can be selected in a range of colors in such a way that it harmonizes with the wallpaper, color of the floor and ceiling. If the room is very narrow or small – then use the combined furniture: desk, closet, or play area at the bottom, and the bed at the top.

Child Study Area

It will also be important to think about the place where your child, starting from the age of 3, will do some crafts, draw, play with puzzles and later make school lessons. Such a place in the case of a small room will be perfectly located at the window or under the second tier of the bed, placed, for example, above the cabinets. The most important thing for this place is the lighting. The window is ideal, as access to daylight is unobstructed. But, if this option is not suitable for any reason, then you should take care of good desk lamps for your child’s desk.

If all these aspects are timely taken into account and carefully planned, then your child will be as safe and comfortable as possible in his or her room. His friends, who will come to him to play, will be free to run and romp, as befits to all children. Also, it will always be very comfortable and harmless doing lessons in good light for your child.

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